Scriptangle Agency
Smart interactive content for innovative user experience: textual, visual, audial
What do we do?
We tell stories. We turn them into wholesome marketing solutions - or art exhibitions, interactive space experiences - or media campaigns. We convert a story behind your brand into a working, content-based mechanism that makes people pay attention, participate - and remember.
Each time we turn complicated ideas into simple narratives and deliver them to the target audience through the channels it already relies on.
A long-term social media presence for a major FMCG brand.
A break-into-the-market campaign for a science-rich initiative by an industry giant.
A kickstart awareness effort for a booming, innovative B2C startup.
A complex content strategy for a world-bestselling product.
A motion-and-voice-sensitive setting for a contemporary art venue.
A blitz crisis-avoiding content campaign for a leading media project.
A reboot-and-restart social media education project for a world-based company.
What methods do we use?
We have developed a methodology called 4Content that allows us to create engaging, through-and-through, perfectly tailored content solutions for each project.
How do we work?
4Content methodology means building a project in 4 major steps:

Step 1. Content Mapping
This is when we spend as much time as needed with you to understand to product, the brand, the concept, the idea, - the thing that moves you on. We see this as the most important integral part of every content-based project.

Result: A Content Map that matches each specific need, goal and target of your concept to a specific kind of content ad a specific delivery channel.
Step 2. Content Strategy
What shall our content look like in 12 months? In 6 months? In a week? Tomorrow? At this stage, we place the Content Map on a very specific timeline that narrows down what efforts, how and when should be taken to bring home desired leads, deals and loyal followers.

Result: A time-based document that answers to every question of 'why', 'when' and 'how' from the content point-of-view.
Step 3. Content Matrix
This stage is strategy turning tactics: so, we know the why, the when and how – but what? What shall that specific instagram photo be? What will that blog post tell about? What should we include in that e-mail? At this stage, we define each and every specific piece of content you will need to implement your strategy by a number of parameters – subject, format, interactivity, text, visual – and more.

Result: A matrix, - literally, a table, - with a recurring pattern (see, bi-weekly) of specific content pieces, - something that will be used to brief writers, bloggers, SMM people, video producers and other content providers.
Step 4. Content Drive
We can be all prepared and oh-so-organized – but life brings in its everyday changes and challenges. So, while we create content (or assist your team in doing so), we integrate the latest, the immediate, the most talked about issues and subjects into our work – and may sure that your brand always stays totally up-to-date.

Result: Content that is both pre-planned and hot – and ling-lasting skills that your team gains while creating it.
Tell us your story. We'll turn it into content.

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Tel Aviv
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